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Fixed Metal Braces

Superb Teeth-Straightening Results

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Fixed Braces at Smile Tailor, City of London

Many of you will be familiar with fixed metal braces, sometimes known as ‘train tracks’. Metal braces have been around for quite a while and, due to their excellent success rate, remain one of the most popular choices for teeth alignment.

Fixed braces use metal brackets that are glued to the front of your teeth and hold a metal wire in place. The wire is then gradually tightened over time which gradually pulls the teeth into perfect alignment. The tough metal brackets enable orthodontists to precisely reposition the teeth resulting in really straight teeth and a great smile.

Metal braces are permanently attached to the teeth for the full duration of the treatment. If you choose fixed metal braces, you will generally need to have a review appointment with your specialist every four to six weeks to make small adjustments and to check progress. 

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Fixed  Braces: The Solution for Severe Orthodontic Alignment Issues

Fixed metal braces are a great choice to treat more severe orthodontal alignment problems, including:

Crooked Teeth

Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth can cause some people to feel self-conscious about their smiles. Aligning crooked teeth not only gives you a great smile but also helps with the general health of your teeth and gums.

Teeth Spacing and gaps

Gaps in Teeth

Fixed orthodontic braces can correct gaps between the teeth. Gaps can cause oral hygiene issues that may lead to gum or periodontal disease in the future.

Teeth Overbite


An overbite is a dental condition whereby the front teeth (usually at least two of the front teeth) stick out too far beyond the lower teeth.

Teeth Underbite


An underbite occurs when the bottom teeth extend too far in front of the upper teeth and can give the appearance that the jaw is pushing forward.

Teeth Cross bite


This is a type of misalignment where a single tooth, or a group of the upper teeth, sits inside the lower teeth. A crossbite can involve the front or back teeth, or occasionally, both.

Teeth Open Bite

Open Bite

A healthy bite is when the upper teeth slightly overlap the lower teeth when the mouth is fully closed. In an open bite, the upper and lower teeth have too much space between them and do not touch when the jaw is closed.

Teeth Crowding

Crowded Teeth

This condition occurs when there are too many teeth in relation to the space available in the upper and lower jaw. Crowded teeth can become severely crooked and misaligned if left untreated leading to potential problems in the future.

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The Main Benefits of Fixed Metal Braces



Fixed metal braces remain one of the most effective teeth-straightening methods for a range of orthodontal conditions, including more severe malocclusions. Smile Tailor’s fixed metal braces treatment results in a guaranteed straight, healthy smile.


Because metal braces are fixed, there is no issue with remembering to swap aligners or forgetting to wear them for long periods. You wear the braces for the duration of your treatment making the treatment hassle-free and straightforward.


Metal braces are usually made of titanium and steel and are extremely strong. You can pretty much carry on with your daily life as normal (except for avoiding certain foods) without having to worry about costly breakages and extra visits to your orthodontist.


Metal fixed braces remain one of the most cost-effective treatments but please speak to one of our orthodontists at Smile Tailor for an individualised assessment and discussion of cost.

The Main Drawbacks of Fixed Metal Braces



Fixed metal braces remain one of the most effective teeth-straightening methods for a range of orthodontal conditions, including more severe malocclusions. Smile Tailor’s fixed metal braces treatment results in a guaranteed straight, healthy smile.


Because metal braces are fixed, there is no issue with remembering to swap aligners or forgetting to wear them for long periods. You wear the braces for the duration of your treatment making the treatment hassle-free and straightforward.


Metal braces are usually made of titanium and steel and are extremely strong. You can pretty much carry on with your daily life as normal (except for avoiding certain foods) without having to worry about costly breakages and extra visits to your orthodontist.


Metal fixed braces remain one of the most cost-effective treatments but please speak to one of our orthodontists at Smile Tailor for an individualised assessment and discussion of cost.